BSSA Major Shoot Format

The BSSA organises four major NSSA skeet championships per year. These events are allocated to NSSA affiliated shooting grounds that have been invited to host the championships by the BSSA Custodians normally on a rotational basis so that the Championships are evenly shot across the UK.

BSSA Iron Man - BSSA UK Open - BSSA State Championship - BSSA European Open.

The BSSA Iron Man Championship
This championship is a 400 target 12 gauge event, 200 targets shot straight through on day one (with only a small pause at 100 to change range), followed by the same on day two.
By its very name you will appreciate that this is a tough task to concentrate for eight rounds nonstop each day both physically and mentally, hence the name.

The UK Open

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The BSSA championship
This championship is a 400 target event only shot with four gauges (no Doubles). Again shooters can opt just to shoot 100 targets in any gauge or the whole event. The gauge sequence that the targets are shoot in, is the same as the UK Open and the European Open.
The European Open is the same format as the UK Open.


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